Expanded Phragmites Control for Norfolk County
If you have Phragmites on your land, or know someone who does, sign up for our FREE control services. Together we can manage Canada’s most invasive plant.
Notification of Herbicide Application for the Management of
Invasive Phragmites within the Long Point Region
Environment and Climate Change Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service and the Nature Conservancy of Canada will conduct annual management of Phragmites in the Long Point Region. Plants in selected areas will be treated with an herbicide (Habitat Aqua in wet areas; RoundUp VisionMAX in dry areas) to manage the growth and limit the spread of Phragmites.
Herbicide application will be completed in compliance with all regulations and in appropriate weather conditions, beginning on August 1st, 2024 and will be completed prior to October 31st, 2024.
The following locations will be treated:
Long Point and Big Creek National Wildlife Areas – scheduled to commence on August 26th, 2024 and be completed by mid-September, and will occur using ground application methods.
Long Point Crown Marsh, Turkey Point Marsh, Long Point Company Marsh, and Lower Big Creek Wetland Complex – scheduled to commence August 1st, 2024 using ground application methods.
As a precautionary measure, during treatment dates, all residences using a surface water system for consumption (for example: taking water directly from the boating channel or inner Long Point Bay to drink, cook or for food preparation) should shut down their water system and avoid consumption of the water for a minimum of 48 hours following herbicide application and then flush their systems for at least 20 minutes before consuming again. Please note: the precautionary measures outlined above are only for those with private water systems drawing water from the channel or lake. If you get your water from the Port Rowan Municipal Water System, no action is required.
Bottled water will be available free of charge at the Big Creek National Wildlife Area for those who require it. Residents or businesses in need of water may contact 437-993-4191 to make arrangements for pick up. Project notification signage will be posted throughout the Long Point region.
PLEASE NOTE: there is NO RESTRICTION on the USE OF WATER for RECREATION OR DOMESTIC PURPOSES (i.e. toilets, showers, etc.) following direct application of the herbicide.
Updates, including the start and completion of herbicide application and the resumption of using surface water systems, will be available at longpointphragmites.ca and at the Environment and Climate Change Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service office at Big Creek National Wildlife Area, or by contacting the Project Supervisors below.
Project Manager – Herbicide Application on National Wildlife Areas: Environment and Climate Change Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service, 437-993-4191, or by email at madeline.sutton@ec.gc.ca
Project Supervisor – Ground Herbicide Application on private lands: Nature Conservancy of Canada, 226-231-0331, or by email at brett.norman@natureconservancy.ca
Communication and Notification Plan for
Phragmites Management in the Long Point Region
Please view our new Notification Plan for Phragmites Management.
Managing Invasive Phragmites in Long Point,
Big Creek and Norfolk County

What is Phragmites?
Phragmites australis is an aggressive, invasive plant that has established itself in Long Point region. With no natural controls, it expands rapidly taking over coastal and wetland environments. It is Canada’s most invasive plant.
Who is the LPPAA?
The Long Point Phragmites Action Alliance (LPPAA) is a community group made up of partnering organizations all with a common interest in eradicating the invasive Phragmites australis.
Can I help?
Yes. If you or someone you know has Phragmites australis on your land, sign up for our free control services immediately. Only together can we successfully control this invasive species.
LPPAA Phragmites Control Programs
Coastal Wetland Control
Since 2015, the LPPAA has been supporting and implementing control measures for Phragmites in the coastal wetlands of the Long Point region, including Turkey Point, Long Point and lower Big Creek. To date over 1100 ha of Phragmites has been treated as part of this effort. Read more.
Big Creek Watershed Phased Program
In 2018 the LPPAA developed a subcommittee known as the Big Creek Watershed Subcommittee (BCWS). The BCWS is tasked with coordinating the expansion of Phragmites control services, beyond the coastal areas of the Long Point Bay, up the Big Creek Watershed. Read more.
Norfolk County Expanded Control Services
Phragmites must be managed at a landscape scale to truly achieve success. With that in mind the LPPAA is expanding beyond the coastal wetlands and the Big Creek watershed to the rest of Norfolk County in 2021. This will allow anyone with Phragmites on their property to have control work take place free of charge. Read more.